The New Year has dawned, I can’t believe it. Full of opportunities and possibilities. Something that never changes for me is my passion for food. My beliefs, knowledge, and relationship with food have all changed. A part of me is pulling for that tried and true New Year’s resolution, “Lose that last 10 pounds.” My higher self knows better. She says, “Live each day to the fullest, love your body and love the food that nourishes you.” Love my body means to accept my body, stop the judgement. My body has endured so much over my lifetime. Today, it bears the scars of heavy work on the farm, falls off horses, and pushing both physically and mentally when I was too afraid to stop. Today my body also bears the restoration of meditation, restorative movement, and nourishing food. The nourishing food I choose today is delicious, beautiful, and anti-inflammatory.
We are all on a diet. I diet because I eat. In this New Year, the question becomes “will I have a diet filled with love and nourishment or will I have a diet of guilt and restriction.” I spoke with a dear friend yesterday who’s life has been a diet filled with guilt and restriction. She said, “I finally have let go of trying to lose weight and worrying all of the time. I’m not eating sugar and weight is slowly coming off. For the first time in my life, I accept my body and I am good with it.” What a gentle, loving approach. Just cutting the sugar reduces inflammation in the body. It reduces anxiety, joint pain, insulin resistance and so many other negative effects. Such a simple approach. I love the simple approach. I fill my plate with colorful, fresh, beautiful foods. I restrict sugar and processed foods but I never, never restrict flavor.
At its core, the anti-inflammatory diet is about eating whole foods. Focusing on whole grains and fresh vegetables at its base. As I share this way of eating with others, I have learned that the key is learning to prepare these foods simply and so deliciously that taste becomes everything. I use every opportunity to share tasty morsels of food with others. My New Year’s resolution it to expand this mission and provide opportunities for others to learn to prepare and experience the magic, healing power of food. It looks like this is going to be a fun, exciting year.